Flink : Table : Planner Blink

Flink : Table : Planner Blink

This module bridges Table/SQL API and runtime. It contains all resources that are required during pre-flight and runtime phase. The content of this module is work-in-progress. It will replace flink-table-planner once it is stable. See FLINK-11439 and FLIP-32 for more details.

Versija Reģistrs Paražas Datums
1.9.x 1.9.0 central aug. 19, 2019
1.13.x 1.13.2 central maijs 30, 2022
1.13.1 central jūl. 04, 2021
1.13.5 central
1.13.3 central
1.13.0 central
1.12.x 1.12.4 central jūl. 04, 2021
1.12.0 central jūn. 10, 2021
1.12.2 central apr. 28, 2021
1.12.1 central marts 10, 2021
1.12.7 central
1.11.x 1.11.3 central apr. 11, 2022
1.11.1 central jūl. 04, 2021
1.11.2 central nov. 18, 2020
1.11.0 central
1.10.x 1.10.3 central febr. 17, 2021
1.10.0 central okt. 26, 2020