Neo4j - Bolt Messaging Library V1

Neo4j - Bolt Messaging Library V1

Serialization code and definition of messages for Bolt V1

Compile atkarības (2)

Grupas / Artefakts Versija Jaunāka Versija
org.neo4j » neo4j-bolt-runtime 2.3.0-RC1 NA
org.neo4j » neo4j-bolt-packstream-v1 2.3.0-RC1 NA

Provided atkarības (1)

Grupas / Artefakts Versija Jaunāka Versija
org.neo4j » neo4j-kernel 2.3.0-RC1 4.4.32

Test atkarības (3)

Grupas / Artefakts Versija Jaunāka Versija
junit » junit 4.11 4.13.2
org.hamcrest » hamcrest-core 1.3 2.2
org.hamcrest » hamcrest-library 1.3 2.2