veraPDF PDF Box Applications

veraPDF PDF Box Applications

Wrapper for the PDF Box GUI and CLI applications.

Versija Reģistrs Paražas Datums
1.8.x 1.8.1 central aug. 09, 2017
1.18.x 1.18.5 central apr. 19, 2021
1.18.1 central febr. 17, 2021
1.14.x 1.14.8 central okt. 24, 2019
1.14.4 central okt. 02, 2019
1.12.x 1.12.1 central maijs 08, 2018
1.10.x 1.10.6 central dec. 28, 2017
1.10.5 central dec. 21, 2017
1.10.4 central dec. 06, 2017
1.10.3 central nov. 30, 2017
1.10.2 central nov. 30, 2017
1.10.1 central nov. 30, 2017