veraPDF PDF/A XMP Library Core

veraPDF PDF/A XMP Library Core

Core components for the veraPDF PDF/A XMP Parsing and Validation library.

Versija Reģistrs Paražas Datums
1.24.x 1.24.1 central
1.22.x 1.22.2 central
1.20.x 1.20.1 central
1.18.x 1.18.11 central apr. 19, 2021
1.18.3 central febr. 17, 2021
1.18.2 central febr. 17, 2021
1.14.x 1.14.105 central okt. 24, 2019
1.14.102 central jūl. 16, 2019
1.14.101 central jūl. 16, 2019
1.14.100 central jūl. 16, 2019
1.12.x 1.12.1 central maijs 08, 2018
0.12.x 0.12.1 central apr. 19, 2017